Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring Time at The House o' Hoodoo

We are almost ready to clean out the last bit of fall leaves that blew back in, add some compost to the beds from our bin that has been collecting scraps all winter, and get a few new plants for the gardens. Today I harvested Orris roots and Solomon Seal roots whose fuschia tips are just poking through the cold, damp ground. Everything is prepared and drying in a low oven at this moment. Off to see what else I can dig my fingers into! Below are some photos from today's romp. Be blessed!

The wild ginger is just sending up it's little sails from expansive mat of stems. Soon they will be  adorned with dainty maroon bells that hang softly beneath the large, lily pad like leaves.

The Dog Tooth Violets are just getting their buds. Soon drooping yellow bells
will be held pertly above thin green stems.

Trillium-one of my favorites due to their triple leaved and petaled form. This one is either red or purple when in bloom-I know from the spotted leaves it will not be yellow or white. This is also the source of Dixie John or Low John roots.

My beautiful huge Hellebore. I have several. Their amazingly resilient, crisp and perfect blooms will be used in
old fashioned flying oils and ointments.

Catkins hanging from my Harry Lauder's Walking Stick tree. One of my favorite sights of spring.

My weather vain that my husband found for sale at one of the local orchards.
We just had to get it:)

One of our hand made bird baths.

Wild violets which will be used in salads and desserts this week.
Perhaps a violet infusion for lovely spring drinks too!

Another Trillium unfurling it's triple Goddess leaves.

Blooms from my Squill roots. 

Coltsfoot ready to burst. My favorite remedy for coughs and colds. The leaves are lovely for tinctures and
 to smoke to remedy the lungs.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Unusual Prayers That I Love

Below are some of my favorite unusual prayers. It is often difficult to find prayers to many of the spirits Hoodoos honor. Some of these I have written, others taken from old texts. I plan on adding many more to my blog, but here is a start. Add them to your own practices and enjoy! Bon chance!

Prayer to La Madama

"Oh spirit of the Madamas, I implore your sublime influence for my protection. By the virtue of god I ask you to help me with my needs in this life and smooth my way. Oh spirit of the Madamas give me courage. Use your influence so that none may harm me. From your treasure chest, bestow me wealth. With your broom sweep out ill fortune and waft in good luck only! From your basket lend me blessings only that I am worthy of. I promise to never ask too much and honor you always. Ashe'"

Prayer for The Rose of Jericho

"Divine Rose of Jericho, for the blessings received, for the virtues you hold and the power considered, help me overcome. Help with my difficulties in life, give me health, 
strength, happiness, and comfort. Bring peace to my home, success to my business, talent at work, 
and money to cover the necessities for my home and family."
You can purchase a Rose of Jericho HERE

Prayer of the Lodestone

"Mineral and enchanted lodestone who bestows luck and good fortune. You are a guardian in my company, always. I ask you of the gold for my treasure, silver for my home, and copper for the poor, and as you have been a luminary for the Holy Virgin, so I want you to be for my humble home. Guardian of my household and of my body. Be the lucky and prosperous star that should guide and enlighten my path. Lend me your powers, lend me your luck. Ashe'"
You can purchase lodestones HERE

Prayer to the 7 Intranquil Spirits

"7 Intranquil Spirits, suggestive and dominating spirit. You who are in the inferno and cannot enter heaven, grant me what I ask. You who nobody calls, who nobody loves. I need you, love and call you. Hear me, I await for you to possess the 5 senses of  ______ that you make them intranquil and dominate them. Do not allow them to be peaceful, do not let them rest. Let them run until they are at my feet asking forgiveness."

Stomp your foot three times on the floor and light one candle each day for 21 days. In 21 days you will have your wish.

Prayer to Faith, Hope, and Charity-Daughters of Saint Sophia, Mother of God

"Never let me lose Faith, so I may continue on my path. Let me be gentle and humble, instill in me the necessary energy so that Hope may be the comfortable balm to help me complete the destiny of my life. Holy Mother of god, queen of the heavens, full of purity and virtue. You whose heart has given Charity. You help all who are in need. Dignify me to carry in my heart the reflection of your radiant spirit so that I can also give to those in need. All these virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity be reverently exercised so that I may walk the path of the virtuous and good. I shall practice these until the hour of my death."
You can purchase my Three Fates oil HERE